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  4. VMware Workspace ONE UEM Device Side Logging

VMware Workspace ONE UEM Device Side Logging

VMware provides logs to assist in troubleshooting your devices running Workspace ONE UEM.

You will have access to all your devices through your organization.

Workspace ONE UEM logging functions available for iOS Devices:

  • Console app on macOS: (*.txt) Contains information related to all device-side transactions including MDM, Enrolment, access, and application run history.
  • Hub App w/ Debug enabled in SDK (Agentlog####.txt) Contains information on system messages and stack traces when devices throw errors that are written from applications with the Log class.
  • Crash Logs (*.crash) Contains information on application crashes that is stored on iOS devices.
  • Sysdiagnose (*.tar.gz) Instructions are available on the Apple developer website. These logs will contain information from the past. If your issue has been reproduced in the last few hours, these logs should reference it.

Workspace ONE UEM logging functions available for macOS Devices:

  • Console.app (*.txt) Contains information related to all device-side transactions including MDM, enrollment, access, and application run history.
  • /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports (Intelligent Hub*.crash & hubd*.crash) Contains information on crashes related to the Hub daemon.
  • Sudo Log collect (/var/log/) (System.log) Contains information on the mdmd and other OS-specific activities. Used only for macOS 10.12+
  • /var/log/ (Install.log) Contains information on package installations including Munki
  • /Library/Application Support/AirWatch/Data/Munki/managed installs/logs/ (ManagedSoftwareUpdate.log) Main Munki logging file which will contain information pertaining to macOS software deployment through UEM Internal Apps.
  • /Library/Application Support/Airwatch/Data/Munki/munki_repo/munkiData/ (Munki_data.plist) Contains internal metadata information on current software being deployed through UEM Internal Apps.
  • /Library/Preferences/ (AirWatchManagedInstalls.plist) Preference file used for VMware integration with Munki.
  • /Library/Application Support/AirWatch/Data/Munki/Managed Installs/ (InstallInfo.plist) Contains status information on current software being deployed through UEM Internal Apps.
  • /Library/Application Support/AirWatch/Data/Munki/Managed Installs/ (ManagedInstallReport.plist) Contains detailed status information on current software being deployed through UEM Internal Apps.
  • /Library/Application Support/AirWatch/Data (AppStatuses_WS1.plist) Used for displaying software download and installation statuses within Intelligent Hub.
  • /Library/ApplicationSupport/AirWatch/Data/Munki/Munki_Repo/catalogs/device_catalog.plist (device_catalog.plist) Contains metadata information about the internal apps like bundle id, installation criteria, pre/post-install scripts etc.
  • /Library/ApplicationSupport/AirWatch/Data/Munki/Munki_Repo/manifests/device_manifest.plist (device_manifest.plist) Contains all the assigned apps.
  • /Library/Application Support/AirWatch/Data/VPPApps.plist (VPPApps.plist) Contains information about assigned VPP apps like appurl, name, bundleid, status etc.
  • /Library/ApplicationSupport/AirWatch/Data/CustomAttributes/CustomAttributes.plist (CustomAttributes.plist) Contains the latest key-value pairs generated by Custom Attribute scripts. Contents in this plist will be sent to UEM in regular Hub samples.
  • /Library/Application Support/AirWatch/Data/com.vmware.hub.flags.plist (com.vmware.hub.flags.plist) Status of recently released features in the form of key-value pair. Key is the name of the feature and value can be either True/False.

/Library/Application Support/AirWatch/Data/ProductsNew (ProductsNew) Contains information about File/Action Products deployed through UEM Product Provisioning.

Workspace ONE UEM logging functions available for Android Devices:

  • ADB/Android Studio/RXLogger (*.txt) Contains information on app-level traffic such as system messages and stack traces.
  • Hub Debug Logs (*.txt) Contains information on app-level traffic such as system messages and stack traces filtered to the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub and PackageManager.
  • DumpState Logs (*.txt) Contains information collected from Android Debug Bridge (ADB) without an active connection to a device and used for historical logging.

Workspace ONE UEM logging functions available for Windows Phone Devices:

  • Field Medic (*.etl) Contains information on enrollment and most other MDM-related functions.
Updated on January 20, 2022

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